Would you like to get your staff free Amy training? Contact me about sponsoring an Amy event and get your staff in for free. It’s does take a little work and effort on your part but sometimes work and efforts are easier than funding. If you can gather a group of participants who are willing pay, I'll let you and your coworkers join in for free. Contact me now about this unique opportunity. wfbinc@myactv.net or call me at 410-693-4141 for more details.
All children have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Our chosen careers allow us to touch children's lives and make sure they are respected and dignified, without regard to the individual difficulties each child experiences on the path to growing up.
Teach each young child to feel.............................I AM, I CAN, I WILL
-Amy Weaver
Each month I write a newsletter that goes out to hundreds (really!) If you’re not already receiving it you’re missing out on the latest and greatest musing of, well, me and the early childhood community. It is also filled with great tips and easy to do make over suggestions. Most importantly, it tells you where in the world I’m speaking next. Get in on the action and join the newsletter family. Simply click the Contact Us button and ask to be added to the email list and I’ll get you started for next month’s issue.
Victims and Bullies- A Big Deal
There seems to be so much being written about bullies and victims these days. Is this a new problem? Not really but it is becoming more of an issue. What is the cause of this sudden surge of news regarding these destructive behaviors?
One thing is for sure, children don't wake up one day and declare themselves victims or bullies. These patterns of behavior are laid down in the preschool years and the adults are pivotal in the behavior choice process. Early childhood teachers need to think about the choices they are making when guiding children's behavior and start making decisions that will have a positive impact for the long term and not just fix the right now.
Tip: Allow children to work through the problems they have with each other, with as little adult involvement as possible and safe. Empowering children to solve their own problems is a great tool to prevent a victim pattern of thinking.
If you've ever wanted a reminder, help for parents or just something to listen to in the car, I have the CD set for you! Here it from the master herself Madelyn Swift as she shares her expertise on guiding children, building character and avoiding the pitfalls of buying behavior and manipulation. Madelyn taught me everything I know, so this is a fantastic investment.
3 CD topics available including self -esteem, Character Development and the two-CD set on Discipline for life.
$15.00 each plus postage or $40.00 for all 4 CDs plus postage. Email me and I can send you a paypal invoice. Pay by check or credit card.